007 Special Replica Watch Replica Of Omega

· Omega Seamaster,Omega Seamaster 007

007’s latest movie “No Time To Die” released its latest trailer in October 2019. “No Time To Die” will be officially released on April 3, 2020. No accident, we have seen in the trailer that Daniel Craig wears an Omega watch on his wrist. Yes, this article is a preview of this Omega Seamaster 007 special watch replica. Why is it preview? Read on to see why.

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 When will the replica Omega Seamaster Diver 300M 007 Edition be available?Although we clearly knew that Craig was wearing Omega. However, even if you click the pause button, you can’t know which watch this is. It’s not that you don’t know enough about Omega, but that the Omega will be released in February 2020 in the future. To maintain the mystery, the Seamaster Diver 300M 007 Edition will be released two months before the film’s release. This means that you can watch the movie 007 with a 007 Edition replica watch.Starting from “007: GoldenEye” in 1995, the main characters wear Omega. For more than 20 years, James Bond’s Omega has come from existing models at the time. But the watch in “007: No Time To Die” is a special watch designed by Omega for James Bond. Omega invited filmmakers and Craig to participate in the design of the replica Seamaster Diver 300M 007 Edition. As a result, the 007 Edition watch is very much in line with the image and needs of James Bond in the movie.

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The wavy dial is replaced by a 42mm pure black matte dial. The remaining scales and numbers are marked in tan. The word “Seamaster” and the end of the second hand are red. Added activity to the murky 007 Edition. This Diver 300M has no date window, so it’s easy to pick from the Seamaster series. Most notably, there is an upward arrow at six o’clock. Such arrows are visible in antique British military watches. In the seventeenth century, products bearing this mark belonged to the government. Of course, James Bond does belong to the government as a British agent.


The bracelet and case are made of grade 2 titanium. Grade 2 titanium is strong and lightweight. So this 007 special watch replica is definitely lighter than other versions of Seamaster. It must be very comfortable to wear the 007 Edition Seamaster on your wrist.

Movement And Caseback

The 007 Edition also uses the NOSC 8806 movement certified by COSC and META. The NO.8806 movement is an automatic movement that can store 55 hours of power. And it resists a magnetic field of 15,000 Gauss. In a word, replica Omega has the world’s most magnetically resistant watch. Eyes turned to protect the bottom cover of the NO.8806 movement. Are you confused by that string of numbers? Each set of numbers has its meaning. “0552” is the number of the Royal Navy. “923 7697” stands for a diving watch. “A” represents the number of the watch with a screw-in crown. As for the last two sets of numbers: “007” and “62”. The former is the movie “007”. As for “62”, it was the year when the first James Bond movie was released.


Buy a cheap replica Omega Seamaster 007 watch

In fact, this watch has been announced on Omega’s official website. But you can only know its information, and the purchase can only wait until 2022. Of course, the 007 special watch replica of Omega is expensive for $ 9,200. If you don’t have the ability to buy genuine products by then, buying a replica watch is also a good idea. watches119.co this shop can make you realize your wish.


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